Episode 200 : America’s First IVF Baby – Elizabeth Carr

Elizabeth Carr is the first baby born via in vitro fertilization in the United States.

In the media since 3 cells old, Elizabeth is a passionate advocate for those fighting for fertility

rights. From battles over insurance coverage, to educating doctors on how to interact with

patients going through infertility treatments, to advice for parents on how to talk to children

about assisted reproductive technologies, Elizabeth is proud to share her voice and story in order

to fight for those who may not be able to fight for themselves. 

Elizabeth is a fearless Patient Advocate, striving to educate and empower people based on her

life experiences and expertise within the fertility world. She has presented to audiences around

the globe including at the United Nations, ASRM, ESHRE, and the national infertility

association, RESOLVE.

A dynamic speaker, Elizabeth’s passion lies in education from helping companies craft fertility

benefit packages & parental leave policies, to keynote speeches, to sitting one-on-one with

people facing fertility questions head on. 

Elizabeth has worked as a journalist, marketing and events, and fundraising making her an expert

at distilling complex issues into easy-to-digest stories. 

Elizabeth is also a marathoner, triathlete, coffee connoisseur, wife, mother, and writer.

Listen as Elizabeth shares with Ellen and Jenn:

 Living in the media spotlight since she was three cells old.

 Not understanding the big deal when she was little but growing to understand how

historic and important the technology became for so many.

 Feeling that she was always under a microscope to see if she was “normal”.

 At 10, to the horror of the school nurse, explaining during a lesson on human

reproduction that there is another way!

 Making herself available publicly to give others hope, but also dealing with hurtful mail

that she “shouldn’t exist.”

 Taking a break from the media in her 20s to focus on her journalism career. A career

chosen after dealing with so many journalists from a young age!

 Being Senator Tim Kaine’s guest at the State of the Union.

 Jumping into action after the Alabama Supreme Court embryo ruling.

 Working with so many great organizations to fight for families.

Want to share your story or ask a question? Call and leave us a message on our hotline: 303-997-


Learn more about Elizabeth Carr from her website: www.ejordancarr.com

Read Elizabeth’s book, Under the Microscope: https://ejordancarr.com/under-the-microscope

Learn more about our podcast: https://iwanttoputababyinyou.com/

Learn more about our surrogacy agency: https://www.brightfuturesfamilies.com/

Get your IWTPABIY merch here! https://iwanttoputababyinyou.com/merch

Learn more about Ellen’s law firm: http://trachmanlawcenter.com/

On iTunes.

Want to share your story or ask a question? Call and leave us a message on our hotline: 303-997-1903.