Episode 89: The Broken Brown Egg - Regina Townsend

Regina Townsend is the founder of The Broken Brown Egg, an awareness and service organization founded in the summer of 2009 to increase awareness of African American Infertility and Reproductive Health. As a black woman, Regina found a very quiet life in infertility. She believed that should change, so that no one else will have to feel like the lone wolf of their family. Infertility is lonely enough without feeling like a minority inside of a minority.

Regina’s infertility was due to PCOS, Hypothyroidism, blocked fallopian tubes, and Type 2 diabetes. She and her husband dabbled with pill abuse (Clomid), lied to all their family members, “NO, we are NOT nearly ready for children!”, and took a painful trip into parenting purgatory (Foster Care/Kinship Placement). In 2015, they were blessed with the opportunity to try IVF, and had their son in 2016. Librarian by profession and writer by passion, Regina considers writing and reading to be one of the most personal forms of communication, entertainment and education.

On iTunes. On SoundCloud. On Patreon.

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